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A Virtual Meeting Is Being Held Weekly 

The Meeting (via Zoom) is on Tuesdays starting at 10:00 AM MT.

 Information about joining the meetings is sent by email to all members

and the link inofrmation is valid for the two months listed in the email.

Forward the email to a member who might not be a website member.



The Photo Gallery link

If you hover the mouse over the Photo Gallery link in the left-hand sidebar you will notice a flyout that will link you to the Luncheon and Dinner photos.

You can click on Photo Gallery itself to go to the Photo Galleries or click on any of the Luncheons or DInners to view their respective photos.


The Missing Classmates link

If you hover the mouse over the Missing Classmates llink in the left-hand sidebar you will notice a flyout that will link you to a list of email address that are bad.

If you happen to know an email address for anyone on the list please acknowledge it using the Contact Us link. 


The In Memory link

If you hover the mouse over the In Memory llink in the left-hand sidebar you will notice a flyout that will link you to the Obituaries page.

You can click on either the In Memory link itself to go to the entire listing of those who have left us or select the individual obituary of the ones we have.



Look at the UPCOMING BIRTHDAYS in the right sidebar

The names without a club affiliation after them are members of Sigma.

You can send a birthday wish by clicking on the name.







Privacy Notice:  All personal information entered in your Contact Info page will be kept confidential.  It wlll not be distributed.  Your contact information is private; your street address, e-mail address, and phone numbers cannot be seen by anyone unless you copy any of that information you wish to share with registered and logged in members and guests (and only members and verified guest members) to the Viewable Contact Information box in your Profile.  When a member clicks on your name, the only personal information they will see is your city and state, plus whatever informtion about yourself you choose to share in your Profile.  Unless you copy your e-mail addresss to the Viewable Contact Information box in your Profile, your e-mail address is never visable or disclosed, although private messages can be sent to you by other members using the Message Center or the 'Send A Private Message" link at the top of your Profile page.

This is an 'opt in' web site and does not send spam or any e-mail you have not chosen to receive.  Click on Notify Me in the Member Functions drop down list, accessed via the Person Icon at the top right hand side of the website banner, to choose which types of e-mail you want to receive.



No registered users are online right now.


Know the email address of a missing Member? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Members: 18.3%
A:   91   Joined
B:   405   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)